La Dirección de Postgrado invita a la comunidad al seminario online a realizarse el dia 2 de julio a la 10:00 horas titulado Extra Tidal stars in galactic globular clusters organizado por el Instituto de Astronomía y Cs Planetarias de Atacama. La ponencia será dictada por M.S Richa Kundu , estudiante de PhD de la Universidad de Dehli, India, lo anterior en el marco de las actividades de colaboración y difusión que lleva a cabo el INCT a través del Doctorado en Astronomía y Ciencias Planetarias que dicta nuestra casa de estudios, la charla puede seguirse via zoom, y sera moderada por el Dr. Jose Fernandez Trincado académico del INCT y profesor de claustro de Doctorado en Astronomía y Ciencias Planetarias, los datos para conectarse y lineamientos generales para participar a continuación

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  1. attempt to connect ~5 min before noon, in case there are any issues.
  2. turn off your mics and cameras during the presentation.
  3. reserve your questions till the end of the presentation. Use the “Raise Hand” button in Zoom to ask a question, and the moderator (José G. Fernández-Trincado) will make a note.
  4. have your Zoom chat window open during the session so you are able to receive messages from the organizer (José G. Fernández-Trincado).


Globular clusters (GCs) are important in understanding the dynamics of the Galaxy. Spatial distribution of the extra-tidal stars in Galactic GCs helps us in understanding the forces that are acting on them and how they are evolving under the Galactic potential. To study the presence and extension of extra-tidal stars around Galactic GCs, we take advantage of the Gaia DR2 photometry (including its variable star catalog and proper motions). In this talk, I will present the results of searching for extra-tidal RR Lyrae stars in all the GC population of the Milky Way, and in particular, the results obtained for NGC 3201 and NGC 5024. Moreover, the results of searching for extra-tidal stars of all stellar populations using proper motions and color-magnitude diagram selections for NGC 6362, NGC 6397, NGC 2808, and NGC 6266 will be discussed. The different environments (in terms of stellar density, Milky Way field contamination, and extinction) of these clusters make them ideal to test the limitations of our technique of searching the extra-tidal stars in Galactic GCs.